90% of women don’t want men to see their bodies.”
I heard this the other day during my commute to work.
Kinda crazy, huh?
I’m not sure if it’s true (I sure hope it’s not), but I’ve yet to meet a woman who DIDN’T have something negative to say about her body, so it got me thinking:
What’s the reason so many women are unhappy with the way they look?
Is it their boobs? Their butt? The size of their hands or that pinky-toe that curls in to the left?
How about moles or teeth gaps? Tricep flab or stretch marks? Cellulite or a lazy eye?
Honestly, I have no idea…and I doubt I ever will. But, one thing I have noticed is every woman I’ve ever worked with – not exaggerating here; EVERY WOMAN – has asked me what’s “the fastest way to lose weight?”
Whether they need to lose weight or not? Well, that’s up for debate. But, every woman I’ve coached has made it clear that finding the fastest way to lose weight is something that’s really important to them.
So, ladies, today I’m gonna show you how to do it.
Ladies Edition: The Fastest Way to Lose Weight (And Keep it Off for Life)
Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, there are a few things you need to understand – and accept – before you embark on your fat loss journey:
1) You’re going to have to make sacrifices
I know this seems like common sense, but you’d be surprised at the number of people that decide to chase a goal without giving one thought to the work required to achieve it.
Fat loss? It’s hard.
It never stops being hard.
And it requires a lot of sacrifices – in time, money, energy, food, etc. – that not many people are willing to make.
If you are – if you care about losing weight more than you care about the stuff you’ll have to give up to do so – you’ll be successful.
If not, you won’t.
2) You have to be consistent
This is with anything, but your results aren’t predicated on what you do in a day or a week.
They’re predicated on what you do in a month or a year (or longer depending on how far you want to take things).
If you train hard and eat right on a consistent basis, you’ll wind up with a great physique.
If you don’t – if you’re sporadic with your training or eating, or only stick to a program for a short period of time – you’ll wind up with the same physique.
3) You’ll have to keep doing what you’re doing
Why do so many people end up regaining all of the weight they lost, if not more?
It’s because they revert back to their old eating habits.
Or their old training habits.
Or they stop training and eating well all together.
Whatever you did to lose body fat is what you’ll have to keep doing – in some way, shape, or form – to maintain it.
Be smart about the methods you choose to induce fat loss.
Because, eventually, it’ll become part of your lifestyle.
4) You won’t always be motivated
And you know what?
That’s OK.
Nobody has an unlimited supply of motivation.
What makes someone successful at anything, not just losing body fat isn’t an ability to always be motivated.
It’s an ability to just “show up” and put in the work regardless of whether or not they’re motivated.
There are going to be days where you don’t feel like following your diet, going to the gym, or doing an hour of low-intensity cardio.
And it’s on those days – not the days you feel awesome – that dictate your success. A way to help keep yourself motivated on those off days is by reciting some of your favorite quotes or mantra’s lucky for you Club Sweat has a serious list of motivation you can choose from
5) Perfection isn’t possible (nor is it necessary)
I’m stealing this line from Strength Coach, Greg Nuckols: “It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being better.”
Perfection doesn’t exist, and chasing it will only lead to frustration and burnout.
Don’t try to be perfect.
Try to be better.
In the grand scheme of things, that’s all that really matters.
Nutrition is the most important fat loss variable, and it can be broken down into five categories:
- Calories
- Macronutrients
- Nutrient Timing
- Micronutrients/Fiber
- Supplements
Focus on step one and move down the list as you feel comfortable.
There’s nothing fancy about this article. And that’s because there’s nothing fancy you ladies need to do in order to lose body fat.
- Eat well.
- Train hard.
- Make adjustments when progress stalls.
- keep grinding.
You do that – while tailoring the specifics of your plan to meet your individual needs – and you’ll have no choice but to be successful.