One of the questions I get asked the most as a nutritionist is ” Am I allowed to drink”?
Honestly, my clients are grown adults, they do not need my permission to drink. Everyone likes to sit back and relax every once and a while and if it happens to be with a drink that is entirely their choice. I just remind them that if your going to drink be in control of the alcohol don’t let the alcohol be in control of you.
I’m not here to talk anyone one of having a drink. I’m a realist, even if I could talk you out of it chances are your still going to have one ( or 10). The only alcohol anyone trying to lose weight should be using is rubbing alcohol to heal wounds from training so hard. There is not one single benefit to consuming alcohol, and every reason not to. It has ZERO nutritional benefits, interferes significantly with recovery, and let’s face it… it’s literally poison. Even in small amounts, it has an undeniable negative impact on just about every element of your weight loss journey. Not just while you’re drinking it, but even for days after while your body is still working to reverse the damage. Below are just a few results of alcohol consumption.
- Slower reaction time
- decreased coordination and balance
- increased and accelerated fatigue ( can’t push as hard or as long during workouts)
- impaired recovery for the body ( repair is the most vital aspect when it comes to weight loss or muscle gain for that matter)
- disturbs normal sleeping patterns ( tieing back in to be able to recover from a strenuous workout)
- slows metabolism down which inhibits weight loss and lean muscle building
A week of hard training becomes obsolete by indulging in a weekend of hard drinking. Great reward for killing it in the gym all week! Again were all adults and everyone should make the choice they feel is right for them. All I am saying is if you’re going to drink be smart about it. Here is what I tell my clients, CLEAR alcohol. Toss the bloody mary, jack and coke, or whatever your drink of choice is and get rid of everything but one ingredient, the alcohol. Yup, you read that right if you’re going to drink consume just the alcohol, keep the vodka and get rid of the soda, juices, and syrups. Why? pretty simple including those elements just adds more poison to the poison. Vodka, Gin, Tequilla already have boatloads of calories.
No beer, not even “light” beer. Beer is extremely high in carbs, as is most wine. And the higher your carb intake, the more intense the cravings for more carbs, so you’re consuming even more calories long after you finished drinking.
One drink, sip slowly. No shots. You can get the desired effect without forcing your body to pay the price.
Drinking is easy, weight loss isn’t. What’s more important to you?