Chris again is another Club Sweat OG. Chris has been in every possible gym Club Sweat has run out of. Chris came in with a goal to get healthy and get back to playing soccer. As a longshoreman and real estate agent Chris’s days are LONG. By the end of the night or morning ( he does some crazy shift work) he is just beat! Like most of us as Chris got older work took over. He gained weight and stopped playing the sport he loved… Good old Football (soccer) that being said Chris never did waver from the gym but he also never gave it his full effort.
3 months ago Chris set a goal to get into the best shape of his life hit 180 pounds and start playing footy again. Fast forward 3 months and Chris is back on the pitch, down to 175 pounds (for a total of 33 pounds), and has a new goal to hit 170 pounds. It’s safe to say Chris is going to absolutely crush that goal and quicker than he thinks!
Chris is a true inspiration, crushing goals and just attacking life. We absolutely love it! Way to go Chris. Here is to 170!!