Our January Client Of The Month Is Max Czerwinksi from Coquitlam B.C.
Max Czerwinksi is a full-time employee at the city of Vancouver as well as being an entrepreneur running his own thriving rubbish removal business who came to Club Sweat looking to lose weight and improve his energy levels.Working 16 hours a day 6 days a week left him drained and with little time for himself. Working so hard over the last 2 years Max put on 20 pounds and was as he puts it ” sick and tired of being fat and tired.” He tried going to the gym by himself and with friends but nothing stuck, he’d go to the gym just going through the motions doing the things he liked to do but not getting anywhere wasting his valuable time.
During a recent hunting trip, he realized he was getting out of breath and everything was just a bit harder to do. Max decided he needed help and guidance. He tossed his ego to the side and stopped “bullshitting himself” he finally wanted to become the person he knew he could and wants to be. Through a recommendation from a fellow Club Sweatber Max decided to drop into the studio late one night as the owner Dan was just about to close up.
Max initial goal was to drop 20 pounds and improve his energy levels. Max and Dan sat down and reverse engineered his big lofty goals and put a plan in action to help Max build habits into his life that work for his busy lifestyle.
Max began training 3 days per week at Club Sweat. As he started building up his fitness levels he became so passionate about his fitness and nutritional habits he bumped his training up to 5 days per week. Although his initial goal was to lose the weight he originally gained, he realized that the weight loss was just a great benefit to how he started to feel and how he was improving his life and others around him.
Fast forward to today and Max is absolutely thriving, he’s in the gym 5x per week setting the tone, you will consistently hear him yelling out ” LIGHTWEIGHT” pushing his fellow group members to just do “1 more rep” and if Max is in the class you can guarantee the class will be laughing.
What Max likes most about his program is the constant encouragement and family atmosphere he gets every time he walks through the doors of the lab. ” Every time I walk in I just feel like part of a family, I don’t have to try to be someone different, I can be myself, push myself and have other like-minded people there to support me along my journey.”
Max’s advice to anyone sitting on the fence about achieving their health and fitness goals? ” Find a program that will educate you and hold you accountable, stick to it, focus on the process and you will get results.”
Congratulations Max on all your amazing progress and for being proactive to take your fitness and nutrition into your own hands. We’re excited to be guiding you through this process and look forward to continuing the journey with you!