Before joining Club Sweat, Natalie felt lost and hopeless. She felt like she had nowhere to turn and didn’t know where to start. Natalie’s exercise was minimal and consisted of walking her dogs or maybe riding her “dust collecting Peloton” once or twice/ week, although in the past she has always considered herself an athlete, playing soccer, rugby, captaining her track and field team in high school, and she’s also been a competitive horse jumper for the majority of her life.
“I’ve never been “skinny” by any means, but I was always proud of my natural strength and power and really enjoyed making myself as strong as I could be.”
After graduating from University Natalie started working full time and all of a sudden Natalies life turned upside down. She no longer had the time to focus on her sports but she was also dealing with debilitating back pain that kept going unaddressed by doctors which left her quite sedentary. “Before I knew it I had gained 60lbs in a few years. I woke up one day and
didn’t recognize myself.”
“In October 2021, my weight peaked and I felt gross, it was tiring going for a dog walk, and my mental health was suffering. I had a horrible relationship with my body and was ashamed that I had “let go” of myself. I had tried many times over the last couple years trying different gyms and diets, but I couldn’t find a gym that I enjoyed and I could never stick to these fad diets.”
Enter Club Sweat, and all insecurities of joining a gym went out the window! “When you walk into Club Sweat, you enter a supportive and judgment-free environment. There are people from all walks of life and everyone is there trying to be the best version of themselves. No one is trying to out lift you or wear a cuter workout set. On the fitness side, the programs are so personalized and are tailored for your body. I have noticed incredible results in a short four months and my mobility and flexibility have also greatly improved. Both Dan and Ash never tell you that you’re doing something wrong, instead, they tell you what you’ve mastered and how you can make your form even better. They are patient, kind, and motivating. On the nutritional side, Ash is so supportive and also ensures she holds you accountable. You are never judged for what you eat, and she helps you learn how to eat the foods you love, but make some small tweaks so you aren’t sacrificing your health. I still eat pasta and ice cream!”
Natalie’s future looks bright! “I feel more confident in myself and I also feel that I’m truly capable of doing whatever I put my mind to. My quads are also finally coming back so I might actually break shorts out this summer to show them off!”
Natalie, we absolutely love having you a part of the CS fam! We saw the drive in your eyes right from square one and it lit our fire right away!
We cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for you! Let’s get it!