As a fitness coach I have heard every excuse in the book when it comes to avoiding a workout. There is going to be times when your schedule is hectic or your worn out, but one excuse usually leads to the next and before you know it your back at square one.
So get ready for it. Here are the top excuses I hear and how to avoid falling into the trap.
I’m to busy!
This is the number 1 excuse and also the easiest one to solve. I’m not sure where the notion came from that exercises has to be time consuming. With the right structure, and programming you could be in and out of the gym in less than 20 minutes and be more efficient than others who perform “marathon” workouts.
I’m not motivated
motivation is a funny thing, you can have it and in a split second its gone. Try breaking down your big goals ie..losing 20lbs into smaller process goals. Aim to lose 1lbs per week over the course of 20 weeks. Its proven that when you set small goals and accomplish them it builds up the confidence to continue going. Wala your motivation is back!
I dont know where to start!?!
Lets be honest no one does. No one was born automatically being able to do chin ups. Experience takes time and dedication. As funny as it sounds but the most intimidating people in the gym are usually the nicest. They understand the struggle it takes to learn and develop an exercise routine. If your really considered about safety and getting started on the right foot your best bet is to hire an experienced fitness coach to get you started on the right foot.
I’m to tired
The funny thing with exercise is that it actually boost energy levels you feel rejuvenated after hitting the gym. If you find your still fatigued after a couple weeks of starting an exercise routine look into your sleep and nutrition habits. Try setting a bedtime for a week and see if that helps out. Snack on more veg and less processed food and asses how tired you are.
At the end of the day you can make all the excuses you want, but the only person you are hurting is yourself. Remember its much harder starting the habit of exercising again than it is getting to the gym when you dont feel like it. When your not feeling like hitting the weights or doing your cardio session always have your end goal in mind.