After being at a job that ate Michele alive, she decided enough was enough and found new employment. Being under constant stress, she knew she had to start taking better care of herself as she was going down a path she didn’t like. Michele was over being cranky, depressed and turning to food to curb her feelings.
Michele had been working out at I love Kickboxing 2x per week but wanted something a little more. Michele had worked with Owner Ashley 4 years ago, so she knew who to turn too when she wanted to get serious results. And man is Michele on her way there!!
From a young age, Michelle had been told she was too big even though she was quite comfortable. Like most of us, Michelle started to focus on the numbers. For Michele, it was her BMI. She thought she would be accepted by others if she could just get to a specific number. Michele had been striving to reach her goal of 40lbs of weight loss for roughly about 4 years. Her stressful job had held her back and in turn she turned to junk food for comfort.
No matter how many fad diets Michele had tried in the past, she could never maintain her weight loss. She would recycle the same 10-15lbs over and over again. She has spent thousands of dollars on at home exercise equipment, Bow Flexes, and countless workout videos.
Although Michele was nervous before stepping into Club Sweat, she walked in and saw members of all ages, shapes, and sizes just trying to better themselves which made it so much easier to start! Although Michele still felt like she wasn’t quite up to par with everyone in class she saw what others were capable of and it skyrocketed her motivation.
Working out with Club Sweat’s coaches made Michele feel comfortable. As Michele puts it “The workouts are awesomely painful but make her feel like a champion once they’re done” (don’t we all know how that feels!!!)
Like most of us, Michele’s biggest struggle is the social aspect of eating. Through working with Club Sweat’s team of nutritionists, Michele has utilized certain habits that work for her to make sure she keeps an active social life while maintaining the amazing progress she has made.
Michele only started with Club Sweat 2 months ago but is already ¼ of her way towards her goals! If you see this girl in our group classes you know she ain’t stopping any time soon!
Way to go Michele! We are so happy to be a part of your success story!!