No one said it would be easy, but it is worth it!
Marisa was struggling with her energy, confidence and lacked the discipline to achieve what she wanted. Not unfamiliar with 99% of people in this world! Marisa had tried it all when she found Club Sweat, she had done yoga, Zumba, was a member of a fitness club, although successful she didn’t find anything that stuck.
Although Marisa had been successful in the past losing weight she knew she needed help building health and fitness into her life. After researching gyms around her house she stumbled upon Club Sweat and their core values and philosophy fit what Marisa was looking for.
What Marisa was looking for was to learn how to integrate fitness into her lifestyle while losing weight, having more energy and just wanting to be happier with this one aspect of her life! Marisa had always struggled with her weight but just didn’t know the “right way” to get fit. Like we had mentioned Marisa lost weight once before but as she put it, “it came off easy” unfortunately like most of us after stopping activity she ended up gaining her weight back. Gaining the weight back deflated her she was right back to feeling “heavy, tired, and uncomfortable” it took Marisa 3 years of this battle to take action. She threw away the excuses and sought out a gym that would help her build health and fitness into her lifestyle.
Marisa started Club Sweat in January coming in 2x per week to our Group Sweat fitness classes, she was getting fitter but wasn’t seeing the physique changes she wanted. After talking with Club Sweat’s owner and expert nutritionist Ashley, Marisa realized she needed to make changes to her nutrition. Together Ashley and Marisa worked on small tweaks and writing all her food down each day. Although at first, it was hard planning meals and snacks each and every day Marisa stuck to it and started seeing some changes.
In May Marisa upped the ante and joined Club Sweat’s 28-day Transformation Challenge, she came to the gym 6 days per week got even more determined with her nutrition and massive massive changes started to happen. We mean massive! 10lbs, 3%body fat and 10 inches in 28 freaking days! Marisa looks and feels like a whole new person. She is even excited to come to the gym more often. She found out that exercise isn’t something you need to do but something you should look forward to doing. a HUGE VICTORY! She has truly experienced the life-changing effects of exercise.
It’s been 6 months since starting her new journey of fitness at Club Sweat. Marisa is looking forward to the next 6 months and the team is looking forward to having Marisa in the studio more inspiring others and pushing her limits!
Great job Marisa we are super proud of you.