Follow these 10 commandments and watch your body transform
10) Thou Shall Sleep Well.
I know what you’re thinking—”More sleep talk? Borrrrrring!” I understand. Sleep isn’t a sexy topic. However, if you’re serious about optimizing your health and/or losing fat, there are some things about sleep that you must know. We are a chronically sleep-deprived, over-stressed society. A sleep deficit will make you hungrier and more impulsive, and you’ll have a strong craving for high-carbohydrate foods. This makes avoiding the muffins at the coffee shop or turning down the doughnuts at the office a nearly impossible feat. Being chronically sleep-deprived can also mean elevated cortisol and insulin resistance. This doesn’t bode well for fat loss.
Breakfast, break down the word and you get Break Fast. Essentially while we are sleeping our bodies are in fasted state. The quickest and easiest way to get your body back into fat burning mode is by eating breakfast. Make sure you eat within 30 mins – 1 hour of waking. Pick something like eggs, oatmeal, turkey bacon, or a protein shake. The options can really be limitless, just stay away from anything that has a cartoon character on the box!!
8)Thou Shall Eat More Often
When trying to lose weight don’t go more than 3.5 hours without eating. If you let yourself get too hungry, it’s harder to make the best food choices. When you’re starved, you’re more likely to grab fast food. Eating smaller meals more often also keeps your blood sugar steady and can, therefore, lower your cravings, whereas skipping meals makes it much harder to control your appetite. As funny as it sounds you need to EAT more than you think.
7) Thou Shall Drink MORE WATER
Most people mistake hunger for thirst. The average person drinks 4 cups of water a day.Through vigorous research Club Sweat has come to the conclusion that you should be drinking roughly 2.5 liters of water per day. On days where it’s hot or your exercising add an extra litre on top of that. If you find your thirsty chances are you are dehydrated. Keep a glass full of water in every room in the house, and always make sure you have a water bottle in your car.
5) Thou Shall NOT FEAR FAT
Fat is not the enemy; low-fat diets do not work and can lead to many health problems. fats are a key component to fat loss. If you want to shed up quick your best choices are extra virgin olive oil, avocados, mixed nuts, fats from organic meats, and omega 3’s preferably fish oil
6) Thou Shall NOT FEAR CARBS
Carbs are NOT the enemy! You ever notice that when your not taking in a lot of carbs you tend to get a bit stupider? Carbs play a pivotal role within the body. Carbs are the only nutrient that actually shuttles blood up to the brain. The key with carbs is WHEN you have them. Try and aim to have your carbs directly after some sort of activity, be it walking, going to the gym, or going on a nice long hike. Try and stick to staples such as; oats, brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes.
4)Thou Shall Utilize High-Intensity Cardio
When you hear the word cardio most people tend to think of running, elliptical or the bike. No wonder most people are overweight, who the hell wants to spend 1 or more hours per day on a piece of equipment spinning your wheels. The key to cardio is INTENSITY. you can get a better workout in 4 minutes than you can get in 1 hour by pushing yourself. Pick a distance or time to aim for, and push yourself so hard you can’t talk afterward, repeat the interval 3-5x, 3 or 4 days a week and fat will start melting off you.
Weights won’t make you big and bulky, you’re not going to turn into Arnold and your not going to
get huge overnight. Heavy weights act very similarly to high-intensity sprints, the heavier you go and the harder you push yourself the more you’re going to elevate your metabolism. Not only that but heavy weights plays a crucial role in bone, connective tissue and ligament health as we age. So get in the gym and dominate those weights!
2) Thou Shall Eat Protein At Every Meal
Protein is the key building block when it comes to fat loss. Eating protein keeps you full, it helps repair muscle, connective tissue, and ligaments. If you’re really serious about shedding weight aim to eat/drink a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound you weigh. IE. 150lbs male should consume at least 150 grams of protein. Pick high-quality sources such as white fish, chicken, extra lean ground beef, or a good quality protein powder.
1)Thou Shall Set Realistic Expectations
I know what you’re thinking, ” This is number 1!?!” But far too often people fall off the weight loss wagon because they don’t see noticeable results after a couple good meals or a couple workouts. The key is to set realistic expectations for yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day! Aim to lose anywhere between .5- 1lbs per week. Take the long term approach that is sustainable and manageable.