You’ve probably heard the word “metabolism” before, but do you know what it is?
Probably not eh? Fuck I am a nutritionist and I still had to Google this shit.
“it is the sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism and that provide energy for vital processes and for synthesizing new organic material.
To simplify things “your metabolism is the body’s ability to turn the food you eat into energy”… aka fuel for your body.
Life is so much better when we just dumb things down a little bit. Nutrition included.
So when people say your metabolism is “slowing down” it just means your body is burning less of the food you eat and storing it as fat.
So…to understand why we have our clients take their journey to slow you must understand this.
We do not want you to reach your transformational goal in 30 or even 60 days unless its realistic time frame for your specific goal
When you lose weight quickly, your metabolism slows down because it is fighting to maintain the fat stores…When you slack on that fad diet, your body puts that weight back on FAST. Everyone has that friend you haven’t seen in 3 months who is down 40lbs only to be back up 50 next time you see them…. Hello Bernstein.
This is because you haven’t trained your body and mind to adjust to your new body type.
We transform slowly and intentionally – it is a process that teaches your body and mind to adapt to a new lifestyle AND body type!
It may not be sexy but it is effective.
Fat loss is like any other skill you want to build in your life. You start slow, build a foundation and slowly stack one brick on top of the other until you have built enough habits it just becomes part of who you are.
Slow and steady wins the race.